About Ndithini Community Development Association (NCDA)

The Ndithini Community Development Association (NCDA) is a community-based organization that was established on June 22, 2005, under the Societies Act. NCDA is committed to empowering the people of Ndithini through the implementation of people driven Income Generating Activities (IGAs) aimed at improving livelihoods, fostering economic growth, and promoting social well-being.

NCDA serves the entire Ndithini Sub county that is 312sq kilometers with a population of 33,000. Currently, NCDA has a membership of 7,220, three branches and 31 members of staff.

NCDA, renowned for its 20-year-old micro-lending initiative currently valued at 86 million, continues to address the financial needs of the community. Beyond micro-lending, NCDA manages a diverse range of community-driven projects, including beekeeping, dairy farming, poultry farming, carbon credit initiatives, an endowment fund, and more.


A united Ndithini, where every individual has a voice, equal opportunities, and the respect of their rights.


To empower the people of Ndithini by creating opportunities for wealth generation through better crop and animal husbandry, access to education, improved water and electricity, better transport and communication, enhanced security, and the promotion of spiritual well-being, gender equality, and sound cultural practices.

Core Projects and Initiatives:

  1. NCDA Micro Lending (Village Bank):
    At the heart of NCDA’s financial empowerment initiative is the micro lending project, also known as the “village bank.” This program provides accessible and affordable financial services to the membership—that include shares, savings and loans— to support their income-generating activities.  A share is worth KES 300, total share capital is KES 86M, average monthly loaning KES 10M. At the end of the year dividends are declared and paid to the membership.
  2. Dairy Project:
    In Collaboration with KCDF, NCDA has managed to mobilize KES 4M towards the dairy farming initiative. This project offers training, resources, and financial support to farmers to improve milk production, advance animal husbandry practices, and increase household incomes.
  3. Beekeeping Project:
    NCDA members currently own 600 hives. Towards this initiative recently the project members raised KES 1.7M that went into acquiring langstroth hives. The Beekeeping Project helps local farmers establish and manage beekeeping businesses. By promoting honey production and bee-related products, this initiative contributes to both economic empowerment and environmental sustainability, benefiting the wider community.
  4. Poultry Farming Project:
    This initiative supports community members in setting up small-scale poultry farms, providing the necessary tools, training, and financial support. The poultry project helps improve food security while also creating additional income streams for families.
  5. Other Agricultural Initiatives:
    In addition to dairy farming, beekeeping, and poultry farming, NCDA promotes agroforestry/carbon credit, fruit farming, and other sustainable agricultural practices that benefit the community. By diversifying agricultural activities, NCDA aims to strengthen economic resilience among its members.

Membership and Ownership:

NCDA thrives on its member-driven model. With 7,220 members, each owning at least one share (worth KES 300), the organization fosters a sense of community ownership and participation. Members are encouraged to actively contribute to the development of their community through various projects and by being part of the governance process.


NCDA is governed by a Board of Management, elected during the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Board consists of 14 members, including representatives from each of the nine sub-locations, co-opted members, the patron, and the General Manager. This governance structure ensures that the interests of all members are represented, and that the organization remains accountable and transparent in its operations.

Achievements and Impact:

  • Financial Growth: NCDA has grown its assets to KES 142 million, with an average annual increase of KES 8 million.
  • Member Impact: The organization has registered significant growth in its membership, reaching over 7,000 members over the past 15 years.
  • Economic Empowerment: Through its various projects, NCDA has contributed to the economic empowerment of its members by providing the necessary resources, training, and financial support for income-generating activities.
  • Community Development: NCDA’s work in education, agriculture, and health has had a profound positive impact on the livelihoods of Ndithini residents, fostering community cohesion and sustainability.


Despite its successes, NCDA continues to face several challenges:

  • Economic Constraints: Many community members are subsistence farmers, which limits their ability to pay back loans and invest in new opportunities.
  • Climate Change: Unpredictable weather patterns have affected agricultural productivity, making it harder for some members to generate consistent income and repay loans.
  • Social Barriers: Some individuals face challenges in joining or participating in community groups due to social or economic factors.

Commitment to Excellence:

NCDA remains dedicated to the long-term sustainability and prosperity of the Ndithini community. The organization is committed to fostering a transparent, accountable, and inclusive environment, ensuring that every member has the tools, resources, and opportunities needed to improve their lives. Through its diverse projects and initiatives, NCDA will continue to create lasting change and help the community reach its full potential.


NCDA is a multi-faceted, community-based organization with a wide range of projects that serve to empower individuals and families in Ndithini. By focusing on agricultural development, financial services, education, and health, NCDA is helping build a more resilient and prosperous community. The organization will continue to focus on running impactful projects, with microfinance being one of the key areas that support its broader goal of improving livelihoods and strengthening the local economy.